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Friday, June 19, 2009

Olivia is One!

My baby is One! Hard to believe we have been in CA almost a year. So happy to be here, miss our friend in NJ so much. It was very nice to be with family for her birthday. Which we celebrated on the day I felt she should have come! (May 31st!) Then on her actual birthday we celebrated with some dear friends who their youngest was born on the exact same day! I love paper plates!
( Jonathan's great idea to use real leaves. less cutting!)
the spread minus ice cream.

Birthday cake.

I love action shots!

Big brother.
Livie so happy with Yaya and Pappy.
Cheesy girls!
Another cute sister and brother.
Aunt Net, Megan and Aunt Sheri with the birthday girl.
Party in the back yard.
Luke being so patient for cake.
Perona boys minus one. (nick is in Nauvoo.)

So it's almost June and still cool in the evening. Thanks to everyone suffering through it!
Uncle Cliff.
OK so I totally cleaned off the scoop after taking this priceless picture. Little stinker!
Two of my favorite people!

We put some in a cup so the scoop would be germ free!

Love this!
We moved it inside for presents.
Beautiful women.
everyone there to help with presents.
Cute bathing suit and flip-flops from Pappy, yaya, aunt sarah and luke!
Do I look surprised?
Love this picture too!
Showing Yaya and Pappy her new "Fur berry".

Hanging with Aunt Sarah.
With our little girl.

Dom was taking the picture and wanted a silly one!
We are doing the Dom pose.
So happy with great grandma!

Great-Grandma is partly the reason she has made it to one year old. With two older siblings who love her lots, she gets a little squished. Great-grandma looks out for her!

Zachary and Olivia with the beautiful cake made by Tammy!
" Look I'm one"
Love Zachary's face!
Happy Olivia
Not so happy Olivia.
(She had tried to lean over and get Zachary's candle and I went to grab her and didn't know I spilt some wax on her! I'm so horrible! )

Lee Children; Korin, Dominic and Benjamin .
(Tammy and I have found we so much in common, children's birthdays, children's names and no central A/C. And we live literally feet from each other. So nice to have some one who understands the craziness.)

Great-grandma, Daddy and Taylor.

I see two one year olds!


Emmy said...

WOW!! ONE!? Amazing and OH SO CUTE! Can't wait to see you in September! We still on?

Claudia said...

Cute! Happy birthday to Olivia! You look great! (I mean you, Bethany) Glad you're happy back home in NoCal. The decorations and cakes look scrumptious!

Stevenson and Marissa's Blog said...

I can't believe she's one! That means I've been living in Oregon for a whole year now! Crazy. I love the sunflower cake and theme. Super cute. Can't wait to see you all in August!

The Teeples Times said...

Time flies! I still can't get over those curls! Where do they come from? Love the cakes - they look delicious!

Daddio and Marmie said...

Great Posts BETH, I enjoyed them all, especilly the Filoli ones, I didn't get to see those pictures until now.



francesca said...

I love that the party had a theme. Mom instilled party planning in us I think. I have a BBQ tonight and I already have everything planned and half made and I still have hours before people show up, so I'm blog checking .... hmmmm, we are crazy. livie is adorable and Dom is like a MAN. Good to see pics of all the family I'm missing in CA. Last night, Daniel and I went online to see if we could afford a home in CA ... it was kind of dismal, but we'r hopeful. 3 mroe years to go!!


Kristy said...

Okay, it is completely insane that Olivia is one! Are you kidding me with how fast time has flown by??! SO crazy! She is beautiful and I'm so jealous of her curly hair! So I absolutely LOVE the sunflower theme. I might have to steal it for Jane's birthday...how did you get the nice letters on the plates? I think one year away from NJ deserves a visit back right?:)